How to create great copywriting


Copywriting is the way you make the consumer aware and alert about your product or service through the art of building blocks of words while considering the brand tone and positioning.  When I mention building blocks, I am talking about a great variety of structures, including onomatopoeias, interjections, paragraphs, whole sentences, or even a single … Read more

Saint Rose

Image of Saint rose

This is a picture of Saint Rose of Lima. The statue is located on top of the Cahedral of Lima which is right next to the main square. The Cathedral also includes a museum with viceregal art. This picture was taken with a zoom lens and high contrast black/white settings to catch the real volume … Read more

TikTok for Business

TikTok for business

Before all, you need to know that TikTok might not be the best advertising platform for every business. TikTok has a unique sense of freshness that might require brand flexibility; this means the brand and logo need to get playful and allow any manipulation by the consumer. The products or services must be promoted casually … Read more

Marketing in Sports

marketing in sports

Few times we consider the role of marketing in sports, in the past both walked next to the other and for today standards, one cannot exist without the other anymore. Every culture and civilization in the past, from Mayans in Mesoamerica and Romans in ancient Europe to the Quin Dynasty in ancient China, have carried … Read more

The Battle Continues, Mckenzie for Windows

Depict Mckenzie for Windows

The fight for consumers between Apple and Microsoft (Windows) appeared in the ’90s when both were rivaling for the dominant position on the technology market. This rivalry has generated original marketing pieces and ads which has solidified each brand’s values and DNA. This is the online ad made by Microsft to promote its new … Read more

Sears, One Piece at the Time.

A Sears store entrance

Sears is dying The 125-year-old American giant is losing a war that began 13 years ago. A problem that has been fraying the corporation’s texture by liquidating its assets, chunk by chunk, to produce a so-called ‘great change’, something that hasn’t yet been accomplished, and it seems that it’s never going to happen because of … Read more

3,2,1 How to Start your own company (Part 2)

Turn your dreams into your company

Structure, Legal and Accounting company matters. The structure of your company is one of the corn of starting your company. You must choose what form of business you want to establish so you have a clear view of which taxes you must pay. Now, there are several forms of creating a company, but for the specific purpose … Read more