Who am I, and what can I do for you?

Who is Eduardo Guillen?

Hello, I am Eduardo Guillen communication and marketing specialist. I am compromised with my clients’ requirements to help them achieve their goals by making wise decisions through analysis and self-examination.

Here you can find strategic planning and branding development that includes creating traditional and digital pieces for a wide variety of formats that include video, audio, and printing advertising.

I will help you to find the right way to create a clear brand image and communication strategy.

Furthermore, my efforts focus on analyzing and reviewing which sections or areas of your company need to improve or adjust to enforced your business offer. We will decide together the activities to take according to your product category and how you should put them into action.

During my services, I will develop a follow-up to keep track of your progress on the critical issues.

What is my objective?

My goal is to help you reach total freedom through self-examination and the realization that you and your business are intrinsically joined. During my years of experience, I have worked for various companies in different industries and retail categories where communication is vital.

Many of my clients have told me, ‘Hey Eduardo! All of these changes and strategies have been an eye-opener for me. I haven’t realized how much of me was infused with my company and how my mistakes and good decisions were also linked in this way.’ 

Forget the idea that personal life and the workplace are separate scenarios that are not related at all.

Remember, if one side is affected by problems or obstacles to the development of your growth, the other side will suffer the damage sooner or later.

What can I do for your company?

I am a marketing and communications specialist who assesses small and medium businesses. I will show you which marketing tools and communication strategies are necessary to solve your business problems and achieve financial and commercial success. I will also work with you to help you realize the mindset you need to achieve quality and effective growth so you can find the financial freedom all entrepreneurs look for.

Effective Communication and Marketing Strategy will improve your business performance whatever the product or service category you are. 

Use Marketing and Communications to adapt to change

Discard this idea: “Let’s do it better than the competition.” It is not about doing it better, but different and unique. You must find and choose a way to perform a service or create a product differently. Once you have this, the only thing left is to announce it initially. This will inevitably give you new clients.

Do not sell your future to the highest bidder. When dealing with investors you are not selling your business idea but your spirit, the substance that makes your company yours, unique and different. If your business loses its purpose then your company will start getting out of hand. 

Remember to create and care about your brand equity. If you do not value your brand equity, you will be selling nothing more than a product, which was admissible twenty years ago but not today. Every product or service must have a personality and essence, and it must convey an attitude. 

Innovate Now. Establish a couple of hours a week to listen to new ideas to improve or renew products and services. This is not a suggestion box, but a time to launch new concepts and create groups to develop those ideas into reality. Every active member of the company must be involved at some point, integration is key.

Manage, learn, teach and repeat

Allow yourself to make mistakes. Making a mistake is inevitable. It will happen sooner or later, not only once, because these are essential parts of learning. If your staff doesn’t make mistakes, it is because they are hiding them or they are not innovating.

Remember that if they keep working with the same parameters you formulated a long time ago, no new ideas will emerge. In simple words, your company might be left behind.  You must ensure that your mistakes are small and manageable and that your employees see them as an opportunity for growth.

Do not be afraid to empower your employees. Let your staff work freely. If you have deadlines, create milestones to be accomplished. Don’t fall into the temptation of supervising them each hour to see if they are achieving their goals. Be simple: if they do not reach the first objective, ask them what they need to complete the task or what barriers they are facing to accomplish their goals, and that will give meaning to their work.


Show how much you love your business

Quantity or quality. Many entrepreneurs want to follow preformulated solutions; sometimes, they even believe increasing their employees’ workload will get them closer to that dream. This is a bad idea. That kind of action will only result in you getting loads of tasks delayed because you assign several responsibilities to a few employees.

Choose between quantity and quality, but do not expect to accomplish both with the same precision; find your brand tone, hire professionals, and continue following your dream.

Listen…All the time. When an employee, friend, or foe has an idea that at first sounds crazy and might represent a risk to the way you offer your product, take your time and play the devil’s advocate. If the other side has a reasonable answer, come back with new alternatives and play with the opportunity of investing considering a specific time and budget. Do not say ‘ok’ and lose the idea that could take your company to a new level.

Discard complication. Many times, the most basic and elemental changes are the most necessary for success. Likewise, you must find a way to communicate your message effectively. Many companies fail during this last process despite having an amazing product.

Apply technology to make processes easier

Automatize your processes. Unless this automatization harms your brand equity, you must go forward with the necessary upgrades. Time is your most valuable asset, and you must hasten the transit of clients to your business before your competition.

You must use traditional and digital marketing alike. Digital marketing and effective communication can find clients faster and more precisely, while conventional marketing reinforces your brand equity and allows you to build a market presence. Be wise when applying your strategy.

Care for your customers. Seriously. Electronically manage your sales processes and increase your effectiveness. Find a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) or build one. Moreover, there are several alternatives in the WEB to an accessible cost.

Effective Communication and Life/Work balance

Your personal and work-related lives are bound together. Many entrepreneurs define the dynamics of their companies, unaware of this effect. When difficulties arrive, they get surprised, asking themselves, how did I get here? And when did I lose sight of my company?

Even your moral decisions will affect both dimensions of your life.

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