How to create great copywriting


Copywriting is the way you make the consumer aware and alert about your product or service through the art of building blocks of words while considering the brand tone and positioning.  When I mention building blocks, I am talking about a great variety of structures, including onomatopoeias, interjections, paragraphs, whole sentences, or even a single … Read more

Marketing in Sports

marketing in sports

Few times we consider the role of marketing in sports, in the past both walked next to the other and for today standards, one cannot exist without the other anymore. Every culture and civilization in the past, from Mayans in Mesoamerica and Romans in ancient Europe to the Quin Dynasty in ancient China, have carried … Read more

Marketing Myopia. Always focus on your consumer, not you!

Marketing Myopia

Marketing myopia is a term created by Theodore Levitt in 1960, economist and professor of the prestigious Harvard Business School. In particular, Levitt declares that many companies are focused on improving their products while completely forgetting about the real consumer needs. Furthermore, today many products and services are still falling into this category (syndrome) usually because they … Read more