Writing – Luhho – edition 58

edition 58

Download Edition 58 In this edition I wrote articles about Cayenne expedition from Porsche. Also pieces about Ferrari, Pirelli, Aston Martin and more (pag. 28, 30, 38, and others). Go back to Writing Portfolio

3,2,1 How to Start your own company (Part 2)

Turn your dreams into your company

Structure, Legal and Accounting company matters. The structure of your company is one of the cornhttps://eduardoguillenmk.com/services/erstones of starting your company. You must choose what form of business you want to establish so you have a clear view of which taxes you must pay. Now, there are several forms of creating a company, but for the specific purpose … Read more

3,2,1 How to start your own company (Part 1)

starting your own company

So, you want to create your own business? Stop working for someone else? Take the Bull by the horns? Well, you are in the right place. Here I provide you with a guide (Part 1 of 3) on how to create and develop your own company. First, let’s start with planning. Planning Everything has a beginning. … Read more

IFC 2018

World Bank Mining Ad

This graphic is an invitation designed for the IFC Reception at PDAC 2018, in Canada. The design requested a quick-read map that helps the attendees to get to the Reception easily. Also, it should preserve a brief description, logos, and an image allusive to mining labor.  Go back to Graphic Design Portfolio

Entrepreneur, free your mind

entrepreneur free your mind

There is not much business literature on this subject, but I think this is one of the most important matters for an entrepreneur. Especially on the topics of creativity, flexibility, and communication. In other words, an entrepreneur does not fear the future, because he has learned to control anxiety while developing an objective driven mind. … Read more